The numbers don’t lie, and the stats are concerning. Women comprise 40% of lawyers and only 27% of partners. In a recent survey of 200 women who left the legal profession, 90% of respondents pointed to workplace culture as the driving force behind their decision to leave.
“More women are attending and graduating law school,” Metwork Major Account Manager Tara Lee explains, “but once they enter the workforce, they quickly find that the historically male-dominated industry presents unique challenges for them. The practice of law can be draining and difficult on its own, but women experience additional obstacles from gender bias, pay discrepancy, sexual harassment, work-life balance struggles, getting passed up for partner, and more."
“Women lawyers face a variety of challenges in litigation,” said Tiega-Noel Varlack of
Varlack Legal Services. “From gender bias to confirmation bias to sexism and lack of meaningful opportunities for mentorship. As an African American woman lawyer who has had my own business since 2008, trust me when I say I have experienced all of the challenges that a woman can face. But I have been able to survive by giving back when I can, educating others, and giving all woman lawyers grace, even those on [opposing counsel]. If each of us, regardless of gender, does the same, this field will only get better.”
Women have taken it upon themselves to carve out spaces to network and collaborate. Groups, associations, and societies are the most common and empowering.
“There’s still so much to be done to improve and sustain the careers of women lawyers, but transformation is taking place, and it’s happening right before our eyes,” said Society of Women Trial Lawyers founder Nancy Holston. “With organizations like the Society of Women Trial Lawyers, women are becoming more proactive about creating the careers they want and deserve as lawyers. They’re demanding change from the ‘old order’ of things, which is bringing about a transformation of how the space is structured for women. Many are leaving traditional practices for the virtual office, where they’re enjoying healthier partnerships, greater efficiency, higher-level opportunities, and reclaiming their personal lives. The Society is passionate about supporting and promoting women lawyers because we know women are better and more powerful together.”
Societies like Holston’s are a great way to bring women together, but it’s just the first step. More steps need to be made to bring the legal field into the future.
“Although networking has greatly increased the exposure of lawyers to others to whom they can refer cases, women still do not have an equal playing field,” said Florence A. Murray, partner at Murray and Murray. “Women need to be able to consider other women when looking for an attorney to whom they can send a case without having to have the opposite sex looking over their shoulders. Having a secure environment in which to help others similarly situated receive referrals is needed now more than ever.”
Don’t wait for a seat to open at the table. Build a bigger table through technology. Metwork offers women and women’s groups tools to create inclusive, safe spaces for legal professionals, where users are empowered to develop the careers they want, not the ones pre-defined by the old regime. Imagine limitless possibilities to collaborate, grow, and shape the legal field. Imagine a better way to practice law.
“One of my favorite quotes is by Lisa Bevere,” Holston shared. “‘We need brave women who are willing to pause from their own pursuits long enough to invite other women along.’ Many women are already doing this by sharing their resources and their area of expertise on cases and giving their time to teach and partner with less experienced and/or younger women lawyers. I’m honored to work with so many talented and successful women trial lawyers who are eager to reach out and support the less experienced woman.”
Radical change starts with an outstretched hand. Propel the entire legal community forward through the power of positive relationships. Join Metwork today and build the table where you want to sit.